About Chiro-Klenz Tea
Since 1992, Chiro-Klenz has become one of the most popular cleansing teas in the nation.
Edom Laboratories has carefully selected various medicinal herbs to create Chiro-Klenz Tea, a safe and effective cleansing tea.
More information is indicating that the toxins in our air, water and food are linked with various kinds of health disorders. We are the generation that is exposed to more environmental pollution than any other in history. We are also the same generation that is eating a daily diet of processed and genetically engineered foods. This contamination can cause constipation, creating an inner toxic soup in the colon. Other constipating factors are low fiber diet, not drinking enough water, stress, dietary changes and the use of certain prescription and over-the-counter medications, including opioid pain killers, aspirin and ibuprofen. This contamination can create an inner toxic soup. Medical researchers are realizing that it is the accumulation of these toxins that may lead to fatigue, declining appearance, premature aging and disease.
Research has shown that many toxins are stored in the colon.
A toxic colon may result in a high percentage of toxins entering the blood stream polluting the entire system which leads to various forms of disease.
In order to maintain good health it is necessary to release the toxins from the colon and from the rest of the system. With Chiro-Klenz Tea you can safely and effectively cleanse your body and eliminate toxic waste.