Payment Information

Our payment security system encrypts your information during transmission.

If you have made a purchase on our website and have not received an order confirmation, the first thing to do is to check your spam box. Our emails have links to your order details and may land up in your spam box. Contact us if you did not find anything there.

We use all major carriers, and local courier partners. You’ll be asked to select a delivery method during checkout.

To use the code, simply enter the code in the “Got a coupon code?” field at checkout, ensure the code is reflected on your order total then click through to submit your payment. The code needs to be entered exactly as advertised with any capital letters and spaces. The system is automated, if you have correctly entered a valid code you will see the offer added to your order.

We are unable to add a coupon code to your order once complete.

We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help. Just email us directly and we’ll take you through the process.

We accepts payments via Credit Card, Gift Card, Apple Pay and Google Pay. We, unfortunately, do not accept Diners Club cards, cheques or direct deposits as payment.

We are unable to provide an invoice until payment is received.

Sometimes, transactions may be declined. The most common reasons for a declined payment are:

1. Gaps left when entering your credit card number.
2. The credit card you are using may have expired.
3. You may have exceeded your credit card/purchase limit.

We are unable to change the payment method used on an order once your purchase has been placed. You will need to request the cancellation and place a new order.

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